Wow. What a morning! So good of both you and "Viv" to remain with him. My father had a heart attack on his way back home from a hike in 2020. Somebody found him and called 911. He survived in ICU for 7 days before succumbing to it. While I got to see my dad before he died, he was in terrible shape and he suffered while in ICU—not due to poor care, but the injuries from the fall he took combined with cardiac arrest were dire. I hope Bob passed knowing that caring humans were there for him. I am eternally grateful to the strangers that helped my father. Amazing how an agile and vital human being can take that turn so quickly—clearly, it was the stalker.

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Omg Steve, how awful. I’m sorry you had to experience that, it’s not fun. Good on you for knowing cpr and lending a hand where you could. Was not expecting that ending while I was reading. 🥲

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I'm not sorry that I was involved. I had the ability and motivation to help, and I did. I'm only sorry the outcome wasn't different. I'm not sure it would have been even if ALS arrived faster than they did, but who knows? It really sucks that I could see the hospital just about a kilometer or less away the entire time, but for all practical purposes from being on a trail, it was really far.

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